Full Management

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CA Mountain Rentals will market on social media and booking sites which can include but not limited to Airbnb, VRBO, Facebook, Instagram, ReserveBigBear.com, etc.


With our full service there is almost nothing you have to do or worry about. With our full service we check-in the guests, are the the 24/7 emergency contact which is required by San Bernardino County and Big Bear Lake ordinances. We arrange housekeeping services after guest leaves to be ready for the following guest.


We do all this for a flat fee so at the end of every month you know exactly how much you will be getting.


Don’t be fooled by those with lower rates, but in turn charge you for every time they have to go out to your property or for incidentals.


Contact us today to find out more about our services at 909-415-1009 or email us at owners@camountainrentals.com.