Hi! Welcome to California Mountain Rentals. Our names are Miguel and Amber and we are the owners.

We decided to start California Mountain Rentals after numerous bad experiences with rental companies.

After having properties lost to management companies that tried to juggle hundreds, we decided to keep OUR selection of properties we manage small. That way we are able to pay better attention to them.

Having dealt with poor maintenance in the past, we decided to use our own network of contractors to make sure any necessary work is done as quickly as possible.

We were tired of dealing with hidden charges such as restocking trips, so we have a flat fee to make it easier for everyone.

While we’d be happy to use our experience to help you market and manage your property, we also offer a 24/7 check-in service if you want to do it yourself.

Lastly, we live here in Big Bear, so we have a more personal stake than some corporation hundreds of miles away. We love what we do and look forward to giving you and your guests the best experience possible.